• How big is your God? Rev. Edwin B. Stube says God is, THIS BIG-!!

  • So, you want to go on a mission trip!


History Returns! I am proud to host the return of Api Menyala history. This magazine gave so much. Old issues will be added (If I receive them!).

Buku-Buku Jalan Suci


*All* books


On Line


240 Holy Way magazine editions! Reworked into Pdf for download. Printed in America, 1965 - 2006, these magazines contain many stories from Jalan Suci.


Many books, were published by The Holy Way (in English). Most were written by our founder Rev. Edwin B. Stube. These are  available on line.

Photos 1963-1980

Photos from the past. From various islands. Part of Edwin Stube's collection. Enjoy!

audio / video


Yes, Edwin Stube was a musician!

Wait for it! All good things in their time.

Welcome to the holy way / Jalan Suci

A Brief History of Jalan Suci (The Holy Way in Indonesia)
  A support group was established in 1964, but the history of The Holy Way in Indonesia began in February 1965, when the Rev. Edwin Stube and family arrived in Semarang (Central Java). He believed that the Lord wanted to reveal new things about evangelism, worship, training, and ministry, and tried to get the elders and others in the church in Semarang to gather together for fellowship in the Spirit. But they had all become occupied, with various traditional projects and seemed not to have any interest in the work of the Holy Spirit. A report on training programs was submitted, and ignored.
  In June of 1966 the Stube family all moved to Nongkodjadjar, a small village in the mountains of East Java. Here the Holy Spirit was gloriously poured out, and God did a sovereign work in the hearts of a number of young people.
  Almost immediately these young people were sent out to to share what they had received. They went to the Celebes and encountered all sorts of experiences. The boys had come to feel a tremendous need to dig deeply into the Bible to find answers to their questions and direction for the future. God seems to feel that His Word has to be put into practice.
  Since then times of travel and experiences of all kinds were always alternated with periods of quietly sitting at God’s feet at home to learn. This study was never divorced from practice. What was learnt in the morning study period was usually put into practice in house-meetings and other opportunities in the afternoons. Two days a week were spent sharing God in the villages.
  The vision of a training center was confirmed many times, once in 1968, through a vision that Rochani received, and many times through prophecy, by people who had no idea of the plans and thoughts that were in our minds. The first Bible Training Centre was established in Lawang, East Java, Indonesia, was opened in 1971. It was a radical, non-formal approach to training young people for ministry in the present age. The program provided new students with grounding in the fundamentals of the Bible, experience of evan­gelism; and also the reality of life and ministry in the Body of Christ.
  Actually this training approach is as old as Christianity itself, but it is always a challenge that is shockingly new. When you read the New Testament you notice that Jesus never scheduled a class or drew up a curriculum. He just gathered together a little group of young men. He said, "Follow Me." They saw His miracles, and His way of approaching all sorts of people. They observed His teaching to the crowds, His silencing of the Pharisees, His loving ministry of help to the sick and to repentant sinners.
  Jesus' training of the disciples could not be separated from His fellowship with them. They ate and slept and worked together. The disciples learned by associating with Him, experiencing His love, observing His life-style, sharing in the secrets of His heart.
  It is hard to replicate this way of learning, even though it is clearly successful. It is even harder to keep traditional learning structures from creeping back in. This work describes the heritage and foundation of The Holy Way.
  In 1976, the Stube's left the “The Holy Way” in the hands of the young Indonesian people they had trained. Over these decades, Apostolic ministry teams have been sent to many parts of Indonesia and beyond.  Many Training Centres and Worship Centres have been established. God is faithful, and the revealing work of prayer, worship, training and evangelism continues to move on, and we pray that God will continue to work  in power.

PDF's, Bahasa Indonesian
GPI Di Indonesia Tatum 1965-2002
Kalender -  2019, 2015 (Jason Sentuf)
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PDF's in English
What we Believe (a summary)
Terminabuan (Evangelism in Irian, 1986)
Revival in Papua (Jason Sentuf)
West Papua History (1987)
Central Kalimamtan (Report 2013)
Link with a Mission team from Australia

church / gereja

"A highway shall be there and it shall be called the Holy Way" Isaiah  35:8

   Christian life and ministry never rises above the level of our worship. Spiritual life and ministry begins, and is carried out in the presence of God.
   Jalan Suci is dedicated to worship in the Holy of Holies. This invariably leads to powerful ministry in the Spirit.
   Jalan Suci encourages people to gather around Jesus like His first set of disciples, enjoying His fellowship, learning His ways, being a part of the mighty move of God that is happening worldwide in preparation for His coming. We worship in the Spirit with the gifts of the Spirit. Often we meet God in the silence of eternity; other times we join with the high praises of the angels around His throne. We allow Jesus to disciple us. He leads us out into a variety of ministry where we see what He is doing and learn to take part.

Training / Pelatihan

Training and JALAN SUCI

  For those that have heard God’s call to life, training, and ministry with us, we would like to present some helpful guidelines that express the beat of our heart and purpose for out being.
  Jesus chose another way to teach his followers. The Holy Way was built on the search to understand this other way, and this Training Center is part of that result. So what method did Jesus use?

1. The Model

Jesus collected a little group and started moving. They saw His miracles and His way of approaching all sorts of people. They observed His teaching to the crowds, His silencing of the Pharisees, His loving ministry of help to the sick and to repentant sinners.
Jesus' training of the disciples could not be separated from His fellowship with them. They ate and slept and worked together. The disciples learned by associating with Him, experiencing His love, observing His life-style and ministry', sharing in the secrets of His heart. This was theology understood through truth and relationship.
After Pentecost, the apostles must have applied these same methods to the training of new converts in Jerusalem as the people "continued steadfastly in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayers." Paul used the same method for training Timothy, Titus, Luke, and the others who travelled with Him.

2. The Principles

This method of training is:
1. Non-formal. Jesus never scheduled a class or drew up a curriculum. He lived a life with His disciples. They learned on-the-job (3 years of purpose driven learning where the direct understanding and application [i.e. “the authority”] of what they learnt was a major goal).
2. Fellowship-based. In regard to Jesus' training of His disciples, the training cannot be divorced from fellowship. The training method was the fellowship (The close fellowship teaches us humility and how live for the Kingdom, not our own ideas).
3. Learning by doing. Jesus plunged His disciples immediately into the experience of the ministry. Then as they had time, they sat down and talked over what they had experienced. Theory was never divorced from practice. The Christian life and ministry is something we do, not just take notes on.
4. Living in the Spirit. Jesus' ministry was carried on in the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is therefore a supernatural ministry. He said: "I do not say my own words, but those of Him who sent me. The works I do are not mine but His." On His Ascension Day Jesus said: "Wait until you receive power from on high ... and you shall be My witness." As His disciples we need to learn to live and minister in the Spirit.

3. The Goals and Objectives

Our objective is to adapt and apply these principles in every possible cultural setting, on the theory that Jesus' methods were deliberately chosen and therefore can be most effective. The Holy Way Mission has applied these principles in several very different cultural settings in Indonesia for more than 40 years with outstanding results (Therefore there is no reason why they should not work equally well in other cultures. I also note that they were very successful in the middle-east some 2,000 years ago, so not much has changed).
This training is aimed at preparing people for New Testament type ministry. We are training apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, etc. (Ephesians 4:11-16, 1 Corinthians 12:28).
It was never God's intention that the ministry should be totally in the hands of a few professional clergy. The Body is not one member, but many (1 Corinthians 12:12-13). It is built up and matures through the working together of all the members (Ephesians 4:11-16).
Therefore, we believe that we need to be training lay members of churches for their proper function in the Body of Christ. New Testament ministries will be trained by New Testament methods.

4. The Recommendations

Such a training program might take this form:
1. A community. A small group of people will be living together in some kind of community relationship, praying, studying, and working together.
2. Priorities. First priority would be personal devotional life; second, worship together in Spirit; third, learning to hear and obey the Lord's voice; fourth, Bible study and fifth, ministry.
3. Bible centered. The patterns of life and ministry will be learned by examining in detail the biblical records and immediately putting them into practice.
4. Practical. Every effort will be made to duplicate the radical effectiveness of supernatural New Testament type ministry, realizing that this is going to require some radical adjustment in our own personal lives, our view point, our ways of doing things, our priorities. In short the Cross will be applied to our personal and corporate lives, so that the Resurrection power of Jesus may be made manifest in the ministry.
Note: The PDF of this article "Holy Way Training Guidelines" is in the Menu below.
Written by Rev. Edwin Stube
Edited by Ps. Spencer Scrutton.

PDF's, Bahasa Indonesian
Didalam Roh (In the Spirit)
Early Training Brochure (Circa 1988)
Training Form-Brochure (2016)
Training Form-Brochure (2018)
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PDF's in English
1980 L.B.T.C. Training Brochure
Holy Way Training Guidelines (Brief Guidelines - Rev. Edwin B. Stube)
An Early Training Vision (8 page Vision/ Concept from 1971)


   In 1968, The Holy Way began its ministry of the written word with the magazine, API MENYALA ("A Blazing Fire" - started by Gwan An). The circulation grew to more than 7,000 and was mailed to all the principal islands of Indonesia. It was read, passed around, and found its way to places we could not go, providing people in remote areas with deeper Christian teaching.
  The book ministry began in the early 1970's. The aim was and still is to stress unity, evangelism, the work of the Spirit, sanctification, New Testament order, and generally encourage Christian maturity and teaching for all believers.
  PDF versions all books are available on line from the below links. Kindle and Epub books are available for most.

teaching / Pengajaran

About Teaching and Jalan Suci

  Jalan Suci Papua believes in systematic teaching, combining the freedom of the Spirit with studied learning (Don't forget the parchments Timothy! 2Tim 4:13). This New Testament pattern worked well in the Bible, and no matter how many years go by, there is no reason to change something that worked so well.

From "The Living Word"

  "In these last days the Lord wants to re-establish His Church upon the right foundation, that is, the Word of God, Jesus Himself being the cornerstone.
  If we wish to build the Lord's Church on the foundation of His living Word which examines our hearts, let us surrender our lives into His hands. Let Him examine us, and test us to the very corners of our hearts. Many people try to examine the Bible,  but actually, it is His Word that has to examine us. We should not try to adjust God's Word to our thinking, but our thinking should he examined and adjusted by His Word. Then God's Church can be built on a right foundation.
  If we let His Word examine the thoughts and secrets of our hearts, our lives will become God's message to others. "You are a letter from Christ, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God" (2 Cor. 3:3). It is the Word of God in us, not just the written Word, that gives us a new life full of God's power."
PDF's in Indonesian
Diubah Menjadi Serupa (Being Transformed - by Jason)
Apa yang Allah Lakukan Diantara Umat Yahudi Mesianik
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PDF's in English
Unity & The Holy Way (Ps Spencer Scrutton)
A Prophetic Company (1997 - Teaching, by Edwin Stube)
What We Believe (Brief Summary of Holy Way Teaching)
Bible Camp Teaching (1972 - At Prophetic Teaching)
Gifts & Ministries of the Holy Spirit (Brief Summary)